Saturday, April 19, 2008

Articles in my inbox

  • Canadian retailers have begun pulling plastic baby bottles containing bisphenol A from their shelves as demand dries up from customers worried about hormone impacts.

  • Italy shut down production at more than 80 cow farms yesterday after detecting higher-than-permitted levels of dioxin - a dangerous toxin that causes skin disfigurement and is linked to cancer.

  • New tests of 100 "natural" and "organic" soaps, shampoos and other products show that nearly half contain a cancer-causing chemical that is a byproduct of petrochemicals used in manufacturing.

  • FEMA is evacuating people from trailers it provided as temporary housing after Katrina, after determining the air was contaminated with formaldehyde.

  • A Congressional investigation discovers that the FDA determined the bisphenol A was safe based on just 2 industry studies, ignoring hundreds of government and academic studies.

  • Obesity, plastic baby bottles and cosmetics have all been considered to explain why puberty is happening earlier.

  • Parents of children battling head lice are being urged to avoid over-the-counter treatments that contain [lindane] a pesticide outlawed for agricultural use in dozen of countries because of its adverse effects on humans and the water supply.

  • Autoimmune diseases -- a group of about 100 conditions in which the body's immune system turns on the body itself -- are reaching epidemic proportions.

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